Tuesday, February 22, 2011

hook n' yarn

here are some of my favourite crochet inspirations at the moment
the creative persons gathered from around the world
where language is no hindrance to a good pattern
ain't the blog world grand

i've included quite a number of links here that have patterns provided
so if you are really inspired there will be no stopping a new (or another) project being started !
after all its not like many of us would need to go and buy new wool is there!

(thanks to all my fellow crocheters who allowed me the use of their great photos for this blog - very much appreciated, and lovely to chat with you all !)


  1. The post looks fantastic Lee, well done, you have done us crocheters very proud :)
    I can't stop reading it!!

    Such beautiful photos with great colour too :)
    keep up the good work
    Kate :)

  2. What a great blog you have today Lee , the pics are lovely and yes I would love to make the hand bag, and who wants to iron when there is something to create LOL.. :))
    I am with you lets crochet !
    hugs pat :))

  3. Hi Lee, thanks for posting my flower vine, I'm chuffed you liked it enough to post about!! I must admit I still haven't got to the ironing, been too busy having fun with the hook n yarn! haha! Have a great day, Cheers Julie :)

  4. Thanks Lee for the links, some very interesting and appealing goodies - off to check them out

