Monday, August 1, 2011

Faassens Catmint

Faassen's Nepeta, Faassen's Catmint, Catmint
Nepeta × faassenii
Catmints are one of those delights of the Summer garden. 
Its delicate blue flowers and grey green leaves
belie the fact that these are pretty tough plants.

Faassen's Catmint, is a lower growing perennial flower (to about 60cm) 
compared to its cousin the "Six Hills Giant", 
so allows for a more compact growth and 
robustness against foot traffic and wind.

Delicate blue flowers appear through Summer 
and attract bees and butterflies in abundance.

After flowering prune back its spent floral spikes, 
and you will more then likely get a repeat flowering.

In Winter prune untidy Summer growth back 
to a small foliage clump (about 30cm wide).

Full sun is best, as Catmints have a tendency 
towards powdery/downy mildews if shaded. 

Free draining soils are also preferable 
to waterlogged soils, but periodic drying out 
doesn't set plants back too far, 
though its not desirable.

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