Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sweet Violets

"Rosina" Sweet Violet

Having grown up with traditional Sweet Violets
I'm a bit in love with the splendid cultivars which are appearing again
after another "un-fashionable" hiatus

Delightfully perfumed, perfect in shady damp gardens
working well in pots on an Eastern or Southern side of the home
"Lady Hume Campbell" Parma Violet
"Sweet Violets - Viola odorata"
English origin, very hardy hedgerow variety generally, except where cultivars incorporate white flowers which have a tendency to be more sensitive to dry weather.

(We stock "Charlotte", "Rosina" , Sulphurea and traditional purple violets 
in small quantities. )

"Parma Violets - Viola x alba cv."
Appeared in Italy in the 16th Century, and believed to be a hybridization of sports of 
White Violet (Viola alba). Parma Violets true botanical original are still unknown.

Less tolerant of dry soils, and need regular fertilizing with a rich organic e.g. manure based to thrive. Shady location only, dappled sunlight prefered.

(We stock "Lady Hume Campbell" only)

